Monday, January 16, 2012

Soon to be Mrs. Blighton!!!!

It finally happened!!! I'm ENGAGED!!!!!! Here's the details of the last CRAZY 72+ hours!
           I should start from the moment things started getting a, if you will. Sometime during the week Eric had told me that when he got home from work Friday (he's working in Fresno so he is gone all week) he would have to go to his dad's in Lockeford to help him move something. When Friday came I was already bugging him about when he would be home because I was STARVING. He told him that he had just got home but still needed to go to his dads and would be probably another hour and a half. Meanwhile, I was sitting at home with my parents getting very irritated because I wanted to eat! My dad had gotten up to leave and when I asked him where he was going (to be funny because he is always asking where I'm going, when I'll be home and such) he said that he was going to look at a gun with my Uncle Larry. I thought nothing of this and continued on with my business. Not even an hour later Eric text me that he was home already. I thought this was REALLY fast since he had to drive to Lockeford, help his dad move something, and drive home. But of course he was just really excited to see me so he quickly got things done to get back home...right? :) When I got to his house he was already showered, shaved, and dressed...makes the time frame even more unrealistic! Then him, Sara, and I went to have dinner at Ricks Pizza. Eric had plans to go riding with my dad and a few other people the next day. We were discussing how he still needed to get his quad running and how he was running out of time and had already ran out of daylight. I suggested that he call my dad to make sure they were going so that he didn't work on his quad in the dark for nothing. He kept putting it off and saying he would call him later. We got back to his house and he quickly went to the back yard where he stayed for a while and Sara and I went inside. He came back in and showed me a text between him and my dad that said Eric- "Do you want to go riding tomorrow?" my Dad- "No i have to work sorry". But there was another message above that from my dad that said " It is just me and you". I asked Eric about it and he said "that wasn't today" so I pointed out the date/time and said "Today is June 6th...that was sent on June 6th". He just looked confused so I said "He must have been talking about riding...that it would just be the two of you?" Eric- "Ya...that's what he meant".................Come to find out this is the night Eric asked my Dad for my hand in marriage.
           It was Eric's birthday this past Saturday, the 14th. He has been wanting to go to the Sierra Hot Springs so I planned a one night trip for Saturday, complete with a couple's massage. We went grocery shopping the night before and had decided to pick something up that was simple for breakfast that we could eat at a stop on the way there. Cereal, bananas, and yogurt seemed easy enough. We were in the cereal isle and had decided on Honey Nut Cheerios. I was raised on "name brand" cereal...Cocoa Puffs (YUM!), Cheerios, Lucky Charms....but while living on my own I became very aware of the fact that the "off brands" tend to be about $2-3 cheaper and typically taste very similar. When eric went to grab the "Honey Nut Cheerios" he seemed surprised with the $4 price tag so I suggested we go for the off brand. If you know Eric then you know he has no problem with improvising, like making a cutting board out of his rolling work cart while we were camping, and he is definitely the money saver in the relationship, so I found it a little odd that he was concerned about them tasting the same. I assured him they would taste fine and we moved on.

           The next morning we hopped in the truck at 8am. I, being the "always expecting it" girlfriend had tried on several outfits that morning. IF something happened I of course wanted to look good. After a few different outfits I came to the realization that "Christina, you ALWAYS expect it and it never happens. It is his birthday! He's not going to propose on HIS birthday! You won't be able to enjoy the weekend if you get your hopes up just to get them crushed...again. Just wear something warm and comfortable, but a little bit know... just in case!" The whole way there Eric talked...A LOT! I really didn't think anything of it, but looking back I now know he was really nervous! We got off at Donner Lake and drove around looking for a spot to have our "picnic". There were SO many cabins that Eric was getting worried about finding a place. We also noticed that it was 29 degrees outside!!!! BBBUUURRRR!!! We finally found a little park and decided to sit at one of the tables that was on the sand a few feet from the water. I had pulled out the bowls and since it was windy I suggested that they would need milk or cereal to hold them down. I went back to the bag to get something else and noticed that Eric was just standing there, not filling the bowls. I was a bit irritated that things were flying and he was just standing there. I grabbed the cereal box and opened it up, not noticing that the box was unsealed. When I went to open the bag I noticed something inside.

(Now I kow why he was concerned about the "off brand" box!)
My first thought was "they still put prizes in cereal?! And OFF BRAND cereal!?". I quickly realized that it wasn't a prize and asked "what's this?". He said "I don't know. Open it." I opened it up and this is what I saw!

He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. Of course I said "NO WAY! You're crazy!!! We have only been together for NINE years!!! Give me at least 20!!". Ok, ya right! I said "Yes" and jumped up and down and didn't even wait for him to put the ring on. I put that ring on faster than he could say "will you marry me?"! hahahaha!!!! We quickly ate our cold cereal which made us even colder, didn't even touch the yogurt or bananas, I made him take two quick pictures and we quickly got back in the truck to stay warm while we made our phone calls. I wouldn't let him drive anywhere because I didn't want to loose service :)

        Poor guy....I think he regrets his decision to propose on his birthday. We enjoyed our....different... experience a the hot springs but I couldn't help but bring up wedding plans every once in a while. I really tried to make it all about him and I think I did pretty good considering he had just made me the happiest girl in the world and knowing I only have a few months to plan a wedding that I have been dreaming about for YEARS! Just a funny little story.... We went for our massages and they asked us if there was anything they should know. I knew Eric wouldn't speak up so I mentioned that his shoulder had been bothering him. They asked if there was anything more and I couldn't help myself, "It's his birthday and we just got engaged today!" HAHA!! After they left I looked at Eric and pointed out that the first people we told in person were our massage therapists!!!!

(See my future husband in the background!!??)
         Sunday night Eric's mom and step-dad threw him a birthday dinner. It ended up being more like an engagement party! The boys went outside while the girls talked all about weddings! Like I said, he probably regrets asking me on his birthday. Today, Monday (Eric had suggested I take it off work since he also had it off) we went looking at wedding venues. Boy! There's A LOT to do in the next few months!!! I start school tomorrow, I'm planning a wedding, and we will need to find a place to live! CRAZY right?! It will all be worth it!!!!! I can't believe that I'm actually engaged!!!! There is so much more I could write but, needless to say, I am very tired!

1 comment:

  1. ahh!! So exciting! Congratulations!!! :)

    The ring looks gorgeous! Love it!! Fits you so well :) I didn't even're now going to be "Mrs. Blighton"!! Crazy! You're going to be a busy girl the next few months!!!
