Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Best of the Best!

I know, I know...I have A LOT to blog about. This blog is just going to be a short little love note because that's all I have time for at the moment. A little story.....

Something that many, if not all, of you don't know about me is that YEARS ago (I'd like to say "a couple years ago but lets face it...time is FLYING and I AM getting old!) I was a very sad girl. I remember crying many times to my parents about the fact that I didn't have many GIRL friends. I had plenty of guy friends but I was so jealous of the groups of girls in school that had inside jokes and went on trips together and such. There I was sitting at home on a Saturday night crying because I didn't have many friends. I know...sounds so immature! Looking back now I can't believe how emotional and immature we are at that age, yet we believe we are fully grown, can make our own STUPID decisions, and we know EVERYTHING! So as other girls were talking about their fun weekend with their BEST friends I was desperately trying to get some girls that I barely knew at the time to go camping with my family...I NEEDED a friend! The only one brave enough was my still great friend Jeana. She was a trooper!! Hardly knew me and didn't know my family but she learned to like meat (her family eats vegetarian style) went bear hunting, and MAY have developed a small crush on my brother (like any girls friend should!!!!). I guess that's where it all really started.....I had a GIRL FRIEND!
Looking back now I realize that God was only saving the best of the best just for me!!!! I am now blessed with SO many GREAT friends!!! We brag all the time about how great our twisted, extended family is! And not only do I have awesome girlfriends, but most of them come with awesome guys that add to our circle...I get the best of both worlds! AND these friends are also friends with Eric. We don't have to worry about "who's group are we hanging out with tonight?". Then I have those friends, like Beth, who will ALWAYS be my friend whether she's far or near, ignoring me or seeing me every month, she will also be one of my dearest friends!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so thankful for all these great friends, although I wish I would have known them all earlier....that would have been pretty awesome!....but may have ended badly just like many high school friendships! Anyways, lately I have been reminded of how lucky I am and I just want to say a little "I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" (This goes to ALL my friends-even family that are friends!!!)
(Ok so this wasn't my best blog....but I'm tired and not feeling the whole "type you love" thing...I'm feeling more the  "HUG a friend" thing!...give me a break!)

1 comment:

  1. Aww Christina, I didn't know you ever felt that way :( I am so glad that we all have each other now! We have the BEST group of girlfriends! Love you!!!
