Sunday, June 10, 2012

Bridal Showers

      Now that the big day is over (sad face) I can hopefully catch up with my blogs. The first thing I need to blog about is my wonderful bridal showers. I was fortunate enough to have thrown my by bridesmaid's for friends and family and another thrown by two of my coworkers. They were both beautiful and perfect!

           My bridesmaid's did a wonderful job throwing a country garden themed shower complete with a tea bar and diamond rings as napkin rings. It was a lot of fun, especially the game we played to see if Eric's answers to questions would match mine. I cracked up the entire time! He did pretty well....I guess after nine+ years we should know each other pretty well (although we learn something new every week it seems!).

           My coworkers Becky and Susan hosted a shower for my other coworkers and also invited mine and Eric's moms. Susan lives on a lake so it was the perfect setting with lots of cheese and crackers, lunch, and finished with blue ice cream! One of my coworkers, Erica, made blue cake pops too! So Cute! I really enjoyed spending time with my coworkers outside of the workplace.
           I am so lucky to have such wonderful people in my life that care about me so much! I wish I had more pictures but of course I wasn't busy taking pictures! Thank you to all who planned/helped with the showers. And thank you to all who came to my showers!!

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